Sunday, March 15, 2009

Book Groups Books

Peter challenged our book group to bring the five books which have shaped us. All of us brought a mixture. Some serious, some light hearted. But all were interesting. Here are the books, with comments from each person:

Person Book Author
Gary Mythology Edith Hamilton
Steven Robot Dreams Isaac Asimov
Elaine An Equal Music Vikram Seth Lost self in book-has music
Merlene John Adams David McCulloughs Likes biographies--Like Truman better than Adams
Margaret The Legacy (A Town Like Alice) Nevelle Shute
Carol Franklin and Winston Jon Meachem
Laura Stacks-The Art of Vertical Food Debroah Fabricant Cookbook
Peter Four Plays Eugene Ionesco
Gary Lord of the Rings JRR Tolkein
Steven James Bond Omnibus Ian Fleming
Elaine Bel Canto Ann Patchet Another music book
Merlene The First Ladies Cookbook
Laura also recommends, the White House chef
Margaret My Utmost for the Highest Oswald Chambers
Carol The Lincoln Lawyer Michael Connelly
Laura Outliers Malcom Gladwell Also loves Blink
Peter Kinky Denise Duhamel Poems on Barbie
Gary Lord, I Want TO Be A Christian JI Packer
Steven Watchmen Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
Elaine The Historian Kostva
Merlene Blue Highways--A Journey into America William Least Heat Moon Anything by him is good
Margaret I Always Look Up the Word Egresis Maxwell Nurnberg Any word book
Carol Cry, My Beloved Country ?? Paton
Laura Komarr Lois Bojoube emories
Peter Watchmen Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
Gary Brothers Karamzov Frodor Dystoskey
Steven Battle Royale Tachimni
Elaine The Thirteenth Tale Diane Setterfield
Merlene Your Good is Too Small JB Phillips
Margaret All Creatures Great and Small James Herriott
Carol The Gates of Zion Bode Thoene
Laura What's SO Great About Christianity Dinesh D'Souza
Peter Vile Bodies Evelyn Waugh
Gary The Cost of Discipleship, Letters and Papers From Prison Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Steven The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Bill Waterson
Elaine Christine Falls Benjamin Black
Merlene I Grew Up Little Patsy Claremont Escape Reading
Margaret A Memoir Barbara Bush
Carol Blue Highways--A Journey into America William Least Heat Moon
Laura Comedian?? Dick Francis Books by this author
Peter Dr Who, The Writer's Tale Russell T Davies

If I have gotten some of them wrong, please let me know so I can correct them.